Thursday, January 22, 2009
Join the HuckPAC Volunteer Team!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Mike Huckabee Blogs About President Obama's Inauguration
I have stated repeatedly that I will pray for the new President in the same way that I would have desired for my fellow citizens to pray for me had I been successful.
I know that some, even on this blog (HuckPac), have been hesitant to commit to pray for and support the new President. I believe that it is my Christian duty to respect the office, to honor the process that led to the selection of the President, and to seek to put my country and its best interest above that of my party or even myself. I might find myself in disagreement in some of the policies that President Obama puts forth, but I will express my disagreement in the spirit of respect and civility that I wish had met President Bush when his critics disagreed with him.
Today, I am above all an American. A proud one. Proud that we have transitioned power without soldiers, bayonets, or bloodshed. I celebrate America. Now, the task is to stand more firm than ever in the conviction that life is precious and is the basis of liberty. I will work to elect good men and women to help shape this nation. It will be a long journey. I hope you’re ready to join me.
Mike Huckabee
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Video From the House Floor
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Victory Turns to Mourning
Vance and Ashley Dennis chartered this bus for their supporters to ride to the State Capitol. The bus left Savannah at 6 a.m.
Before getting on the busArriving at the Legislative Plaza
The first person we saw was Vance Dennis, who was already in Nashville.
The House Republican Caucus provided breakfast for the legislators, staff, families and guests
Daddy and McNairy County Mayor Jai Templeton
Vance and Ashley with Jai and Allison Templeton
Melissa and Congressman Zach Wamp, candidate for Governor of Tennessee
Vance's office door
The empty House Chamber
Rep. Dennis at the door of the House Chamber
The members of the House of Representatives
Our new State Senator, Dolores Gresham, was also getting sworn in.
Senator Gresham's desk
Ashley, Walker and Vance Dennis in the gallery
Walker at his daddy's desk
Ashley and her mother
Walker gives Rep. Jimmy Eldridge a high five.
Rep. and Mrs. Eldridge
We found seats in the galleries around 9:00. Even though the session didn't begin until noon, the seats were already filled by 10:00. Some of our family sat on each side.
The floor was buzzing with activity.
Vance Dennis' desk
Peggy Daniel and Cody Miller, fellow McNairy Countians who rode on the bus with us
The full gallery on the right side of the chamber
The gallery on the left side
Anna and Jonathan
Everyone was really anxious for the session to start.
The Representatives finally started to take their seats...
...and Speaker Jimmy Naifeh called the session to order.
The Pledge of Allegiance
The Oath of Office
From left to right, Rep. Stacey Campfield, Rep. Vance Dennis, Rep. Glen Casada, and Rep. Jason Mumpower
Immediately following the oath, the Democrats called for a recess. The Republicans objected. Here Minority leader Gary Odom and Majority leader Jason Mumpower are arguing their points with Speaker Naifeh.
Voting to table Odom's motion to recess
Unfortunately, the Democrats got their recess, and we had to wait for 30 more minutes.
The Republicans coming back from their caucus meeting
Rep. Sargent nominates Jason Mumpower for Speaker.
Gary Odom shocks everyone by nominating moderate Republican Kent Williams for Speaker. We found out afterwards that the bargain had been in place since November, though only solidified the night before, and the 30-minute recess was so they could inform all of their members of the plot.
The vote
The Democrats voted first, and all 49 voted for "Republican" Rep. Kent Williams. Then the Republicans voted. Jason Mumpower received the first 49 Republican votes, but the last Republican to vote, Kent Williams, broke his pledge and voted for himself, winning by 50-49 votes.
Kent Williams not only pledged to vote for the Republican nominees for Speaker and Speaker pro tem, he also promised several times, to several different people, that he would vote for Mumpower. He even caucused with Republicans up until the moment he betrayed them. His deceit and trickery were what angered everyone the most.
Here is Rep. Williams' response when asked why he violated his pledge - "No comment."
Here are some video highlights of the session, compiled by Ben Cunningham.
News Channel 5 coverage
News 12 coverage: