Wednesday, July 7, 2010

GOP Rally

Yesterday some of us attended a GOP rally at the Selmer Courthouse.
Visiting before the meeting
Senator Gresham and Mrs. Weatherford
Daddy and David stopped by on their way home from work
McNairy County Republican Chairman Charles Lee and Jonathan
Mr. Lee
The crowd on the Courthouse lawn
It was quite hot outside - in the 90's We were all very thankful for the shade and a nice breeze!
The speakers:
Congressman Marsha Blackburn
State Senator Dolores Gresham
State Representative Vance Dennis
County Mayor Jai Templeton
Road Commissioner Harvey Neal Smith
Sheriff candidate - Guy Buck
Governor candidate - Zach Wamp
Zach Wamp had a lot of great things to say....we wish we had recorded it!!! We are very grateful to have such a great candidate to support!

Jonathan in front of the Wamp bus
Zach Wamp with Guy Buck...
...Mike Smith...
...Mr. Tennyson...
...Mr. and Mrs. Cauley...
...Mr. and Mrs. Blakely...
...and Mrs. Woods
Our next Governor :), Lord willing
Jonathan and I got to go inside the Wamp bus! :)
Jonathan talking with Zach Wamp
Jonathan is enjoying being the McNairy County Chairman for the Wamp Campaign!
Emily, Melissa, Zach Wamp, Jonathan, Deborah, and Mama
The bus leaving town
Thanks to all our elected officials and candidates for taking time out of their busy schedules to visit McNairy County!

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