Friday, June 13, 2008

New Federal Marriage Amendment Bill Needs Co-sponsors

A new federal marriage amendment bill has been introduced by Rep. Paul C. Broun (GA). H.J.Res.89 needs at least 100 representatives to sign on as co-sponsors in order to bring it to a vote. As of today, there are 66 bi-partisan co-sponsors.

Click here for more information about this bill and a list of the co-sponsers.

Please join us in defending traditional marriage by contacting your representative and requesting that he become a co-sponsor if he has not yet done so. To find out who your representative is and to send him an e-mail, click here and enter your location. Remember, he is representing you, and needs to hear how you want him to vote. Calls and emails to elected officials are very effective. The "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" needs to hear the people's voice!

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