County Chairman Charles Lee gives Jonathan and David their assignments.
Waiting for the meeting to start
Charles Lee calls the meeting to order
Jonathan gives ballots to Mr. and Mrs. Blakely
David gives a ballot to Carol Ann Woods
Our State Senator and State Representative are so good about coming to every meeting of ours that they can. We really appreciate their taking the time to properly represent the people of their district!
State Senator Dolores Gresham
State Representative, Vance Dennis
Two of the Gubernatorial candidates' campaigns sent representatives to the convention.
A representative from the Wamp campaign
A representative from the Haslam campaign
Ashley Dennis asks for votes for State Executive Committee Woman
Incumbent Harvey Neal Smith is chosen as the Republican candidate for Road Commissioner.
County Mayor Jai Templeton is nominated as our candidate for another term.
The only contested race at this year's convention was the race for Sheriff.
Sheriff candidate Guy Buck
Sheriff candidate Robert Jaggers
The votes are cast and Jonathan and David gather the ballots
Counting the votes
Mrs. Daniel read each vote aloud
Waiting for all the votes to be counted
Guy Buck won the nomination for Sheriff.
Mr. and Mrs. Buck
Incumbent Ronnie Price was elected for County Clerk.
Mr. Price and Mr. Smith
Mama Flo and Rebekah
We had a delicious chili dinner after the meeting.
High school friends, Effie Carrie Woods and Mama Flo
Republican Candidates - Harvey Neal Smith -Road Commissioner, Guy Buck -candidate for Sheriff, Ronnie Price -County Clerk, Jai Templeton -County Mayor