Tom Leatherwood served in the Tennessee State Senate for 8 years and is currently serving as Register of Deeds in Shelby County. You can visit his website, http://www.votetomleatherwood.com/, to find out more about Tom Leatherwood, his stand on the issues, and how you can help him win the Republican Primary in August, and the general election this fall. Tom Leatherwood is running against Republican incumbent Marsha Blackburn.
Here is a map showing TN Congressional District 7, the area we need to help Tom Leatherwood win.
If you live in the 7th district the Leatherwood campaign needs your help! Click here to sign up to join the campaign, or click here to make an online contribution to the campaign. You can also help by sharing this information and the campaign website with everyone you know in the 7th distict.

The Leatherwood family

you can see some of marsha blackburn's bad votes on my old blog. mickeywhite.blogspot.com or some more recent at bluecollarrepublican.com
Marsha is Not Conservative
Hey, great blog!!
We must stand for America and conservatism. Go Mike also!!
So is your family an ATI one? Or a Vision Forum one? lol... I'm not trying to label you guys, but I was just wondering if you where involved in one of those ministries.
~ Andrew Biddinger
Answer back on my blog.
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