Monday, November 19, 2007

November 20th Fundraising Goal

Tomorrow's goal for online fundraising is $1,034,487 -- one dollar more than we raised last quarter. If you are able to, join the many supporters who are giving $100 tomorrow. If you are not able to give that much, give what you can. Even if you don't have anything to give monetarily, remember that the money is going to get Huckabee's name and message out to the American people...and you can do that without spending a cent! If you can't give tomorrow, do your part by telling at least 2 people about Gov. Huckabee and then getting them to enlist in Huck's Army:

Don't forget to be praying!! The Lord is the One who is in control and who can make our efforts successful!

Let's do everything we can...for our God and for our country!!!!!

"For the kingdom is the Lord's: and He is the governor among the nations." Psalm 22:28

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